Back to my blog!
Hi! I decided to go back to my blog because I recently have some more time for myself and because I think it could help me to better sort out my thoughts, reflections and all important tips about drawing. So it will be more a "diary" style blog of what I learn every day. First of all I need to make a little update all of my work that I've done so far. Unfortunately, there are not so many things that I can show now. Most of works I did long time ago were mainly cartoons, not too serious commissions. Back in the day I had to do a lot of this stuff to make a living. I've never tried to publish such works because my life goals are a little bit higher than doing only simple illustrations for kids. So yeah I was very happy when I finally got my first serious commission to make a Mech concept for HAWKEN . "It's Too Late" Why I'm proud of this piece despite it's not an ideal concept? This is my first drawing on which I se...